Saturday, April 5, 2008

Need a New Focus

The news of my ovaries being rotten (DH hates that I say that) has really hit my self-esteem hard. I am not happy with myself these days. I feel old, and ugly and out of shape. And of course I have this irrational fear that the IVF isn't going to work and we're not even close to getting it done. DH and I had a good talk the other day because I was really bugged by some things that have to do with him and I think it was really good for him to see where I'm coming from and that I'm tired of being a tough chick because it gets to be too hard. I need a break from it all. I need to refocus my energy and give my self-esteem a make over. I have to quit torturing myself with situations that remind me of our IF and take advantage of our freedom. I need a life make over....starting today!

I may not blog for a while...I will record milestones in our treatment and post any important news I will want to remember one day but I won't be on here as often. 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hang in there, and take care of yourself, this time is all about you so be selfish and enjoy it.