Monday, July 21, 2008

And We're Back!

Had the cyst removed in Calgary this morning. I had to be at the clinic by 8am for an u/s which showed the cyst was still there. I was secretly praying that it had gone away over the weekend and I simply came here for a lovely visit with a BFF, but oh well. So then I had to go back for the procedure at 11:30. It was interesting because you sit in a room waiting for you turn to go in and I could hear nurses talking to women who were going for their retrieval or transfer so now I know what it's going to be like when I go for mine. The draining of the cyst was not pleasant...I'm not going to lie but it was really quick so it was over fast. 
After the procedure I had my "teaching" of how to do the injections. It was a little overwhelming. In a few days I will be giving myself 4 shots a day...YIKES! And keeping dosages and everything straight will be interesting. They are so organized at the clinic though so I have a timeline that will help me. And holy drugs batman!!! I seriously need another suitcase to bring my drugs joke. They won't fit!! And holy expensive. It's unbelievable!
Anyway, we're back on track. I start my first injections (Suprefact) on Wednesday. I'm so nervous. Thank goodness my DH is home from Europe now (and I'm not home) so he can help me with the first few shots.  I fly back home tomorrow.
How optimistic is this? I went shopping today but decided against buying work clothes in the hopes that I'll be too fat for them by fall. :-)

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