Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Wow! Look at me go. It only took me 2 days and 3 different accounts but I think I may be up and running now. I have been encouraged to journal about mine and DH's (dear husband's) journey through infertility (IF) and since I type quicker than I write I thought blogging would be the way to go. I'm totally open to you reading what I write too. I think it's sad that some couples face IF alone. It is such a devastating, painful and stressful time in a couple's life. I can't imagine not having my friends and family here for me.
Anyway, a bit about us..well me, DH doesn't know I'm doing this yet. I am 32 years old and my husband is 39. I have a 14 year old son from a previous relationship. Yes, I was 17 when I had him.
I went on my first date with DH in the fall of 2000. We didn't like each other so we were "just friends" for about 8 months after that initial date and then in the summer of 2001 we fell in love. I moved into his condo and then forced him out of that bachelor pad a few months later. We bought a house in our dream neighbourhood and started talking about adding to our family in 2003. A year went by and still no baby. In August of 2004 we decided to get hitched which was a bit of a distraction from the baby making although it was always in the back of our minds. Shortly after our engagement I had an HSG done to ensure there were no blockages in my tubes and everything came back perfect. DH had a sperm analysis done at the same time and it was perfect too. 
We were married in August of 2005. Immediately following our wedding I bought the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCOYF), a good basal body thermometer bbt) and we went to town!! Five months later I was in my doctor's office for my yearly physical and it was made official....we were experiencing what 1 in 6 Canadian couples faces: Infertility.

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